This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking them, we will be compensated, but there is no additional cost to you. All opinions expressed are our own. Thank you for your support. Did you realize that this past week was National Library Week? Living in the electronic age, have libraries become obsolete? Are they less used than they once were. But, as I peruse the library website that services Phoenix, I can see that libraries are still current and are keeping up with the times. They have so many online services and extra benefits for patrons to use, all for the price of $0! So, in honor of National Library Week, and because we are all book lovers who have been library users from our youth, today's Friday Fave #57 is all about libraries! When I was a child, my mother used to take me to the Clovis, CA Carnegie Library. (You can see it and read about it here). It was constructed in 1915, so it was old and musty smelling even when I was a child. I remember the steps up to the double doors that seemed much steeper back then and the creaky wooden floors. The children's section was in the basement. My mom would let me go and peruse the books to my hearts content and choose the books that I wanted to read. She would make her own choices upstairs and then come down and give me some suggestions. I remember checking out Dr. Doolittle and the Complete Adventures of Winnie the Pooh , among many others. There weren't a lot of extra programs at the library that I can recall, but it was a magical place to me all the same. It no longer serves as the town's library, but the building still stands as a landmark of former days and houses the Clovis Chamber of Commerce. When my own children were young, I would take them to the Phoenix library, especially during the summer, when school was out. During the school year they could use the school library, and I didn't want to mix up which books went to which library. Of course, if they needed something special that the school didn't have, we would go to the city library. But, during the summer, it was always great to keep the kids reading and to participate in our library's summer reading program. They won little prizes until finally at the end they could win Diamondback Baseball Game tickets after reading a certain number of books! Once, I took them to hear a cowboy tell stories at the library and he actually brought in his real horse wearing a diaper! My children were fascinated! So, given these experiences over the years with my kids, I polled my girls to find out what they love and remember about the library: Alicia: I am starting with Alicia because she actually worked in the Provo Library when she was in college. Here is what she says about the library: "I loved working at the library. It was the best job! I love when libraries are partnered with Libby and I can check out audio books from home I also enjoy aimlessly wandering the aisles and finding books I've never heard of, to read." If you haven't heard of Libby, it is a free app that lets you check out audio books onto your phone or mobile device for free! Here is the link to find out about it. Alicia also says it is awesome to be able to check out movies from the library. We used to do that a lot in the summer when my kids were young. It was a great way to stay indoors and be cool in our hot AZ summers! Alicia remembers, "That’s how I watched the Ramona movies!" Madalynn uses the library a lot! She says, "I like checking out movies and CDs from the library. And how you can get museum and zoo passes from the library. And the seed library. And the classes and activities they have for kids. Libraries are just a great resource for low budget families to experience things." She continues with the CDs, "When I was in middle school I would go choose CDs I thought had cool covers and that was how I discovered music." (She means how she found her taste in music. Of course she knew there was music, ha ha.) I was amazed about the seed library when Madalynn told me about it. I am excited to check that out! I just learned that our library (Cholla Branch) has a craft night that is totally free on Tuesday Nights! There are e-classes offered and special speakers. The culture passes Maddy spoke of are an awesome way to get free passes to museums and other attractions around the city. You have to be quick though, because they go fast! Lindsey says, "I like library nooks where you can sit and read. It is so quiet and peaceful." About the movies that you can check out she says, " That's how I watched a lot of movies in high school! I think that's how we saw the BBC Chronicals of Narnia when we were kids." Now that she is a mom, she is looking forward to the story times for kids and looking into the free classes that are offered. Speaking of being a mom, one great class being offered at our library branch is a Kindergarten Bootcamp class for children starting school in the fall of 2018! It is just one hour a week for 7 weeks, it is totally free, including supplies! It is amazing to see the number of free classes that are available online from the library! Here are the ones available from Phoenix! So, if you haven't checked out your local library lately, now is a great time to do it! Don't forget the books! I've listed favorites that I want to read this year on this post, and the library is a great place to find them. (Then, if you love them you can buy them! The only thing I don't love about the library is that you have to give back the books that you fall in love with.) Summer reading programs will be starting soon! The City of Phoenix is even doing a program that encourages everyone in the city to read a book together this summer! They are taking votes on which book it will be now! They are calling it, One Book, One Phoenix. If you live in Phoenix, go and vote now. I voted for Albuquerque by Rodolfo Anaya. Which one would you vote for? We will leave you with a quote from Albert Einstein.
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Creators of Hot Cocoa Bombs! (copyrighted)
Helen Reynolds: Mother of six children , grandmother to eleven! I love to cook, craft and create things and I especially love doing that with my family, So, when my lawyer daughter, Lindsey, my artist daughter, Madalynn, and I came up with the idea of Hot Cocoa Bombs, this blog was born. Then, one more daughter, with her technical and science skills, plus creativity has joined in to round us out! Read more about us here! Archives
February 2025