**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. But, all opinions expressed are my own.
Today's Friday Fave post came about because of a few things:
Of course, the best part of the fortune cookie is the fortune! I asked my girls for fortunes that they would like to see, and I got a couple of good ones from them. Also, the kit comes with over 100 fortunes, and some are pretty good, depending on the type you want, serious, romantic, funny, etc.
The recipe for fortune cookies is very simple. Be prepared to have burnt fingertips as you shape the cookies.
Depending on your oven, you may have to play with the time and temperature for your cookies. Some of my cookies ended up nice and crispy with that nice snap. But some were a little too soft. So, it is trial and error I guess.
Of course, if you don't want to make your own cookies, but want the personalized fortunes, you can purchase them and pull out the fortunes carefully and add your own. Happy Confucius Day! And be sure to check out the podcast! It is extra good because my son-in-law is partnering with Alicia this week and they do a great job together!
**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. But, all opinions expressed are my own.
Here is a true confession about the blogging partnership between my daughters and I. Sometimes we come up with some really big ideas for the blog which never really come to fruition, even after we have talked about them on the blog. Today's post is a perfect example. We, (and I say "we" in the broadest sense because I did not think of this idea), came up with the idea to do a thrift store challenge and have our readers vote on the best results. It was hard for me because I do not like to shop in thrift stores. I am too much of a germaphobe. But, I did it! Actually, I shopped and didn't find what I wanted and then Maddy ended up finding the item that I was looking for. She loves to shop in thrift stores.
I was tired of the mail clutter that always ended up on my kitchen counter, so I wanted to find a way to organize it. This old doctor's office style of magazine rack seemed like the perfect idea. Plus, it fits right by the back door between the door and the kitchen cabinets. I got to work and decided to do a chalkboard finish. This rack had started out as worn brown wood that had seen better days. (Sorry I forgot the before pictures). I shot videos all by myself of the process and Alicia was going to put together the video of our efforts. Unfortunately, only half of us completed our projets! AHEM! I won't name any names. But, I have decided to finally post my results because it came out pretty cute and has really helped to get rid of that mail clutter. Another thing you should know is that I didn't ask Alicia to edit and put together my video for me. I did it all by myself for the very first time! I know it isn't as good as her work, because I am still trying to figure out the program. I hope you will like it and give it a look anyway and tell me what you think. I will put tips and links below the video. Here are a few tips:
Well, having some plans go by the wayside is all a part of the blogging experience. At least I ended up with something really useful for my house. I may have to give thrift stores more of a chance. Just in case my germaphobia comes back to haunt me, I'll be carrying the hand sanitizer.
**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. But, all opinions expressed are my own. Tomorrow is the first day of Autumn! So, for Friday Faves today, we thought we would share 5 favorite Autumn recipes that we know you will love!
Of course, soup is also a favorite meal for Fall. But, we posted about those on a previous post. If you missed it, check it out here!
Happy Fall! This post contains affiliate links. I will be compensated for any purchases made through those links at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support! You may have been expecting Alicia's International Food post today. This month she has been featuring Belgium. Well, you will be getting that post in a round about way. You see, her family is at Disneyland currently and she asked me if I would talk about whatever Belgian thing she shares with me from Disneyland! You are not going to believe what she shared! French Fries! That's right! French Fries though Belgian, are called French fries because in WWI the soldiers who ate them didn’t know what they were called and named them after the language of the people who ate them. So the French in French Fries is actually about the spoken language and not the country France. And, of course French Fries are available in Disneyland! Disney With Toddlers: Alicia and her husband Adrian are able to go to Disneyland fairly often. But, they often are going with friends and extended family. On this trip they decided to enjoy some time with their family on their own. It is funny how your Disney experience will change depending on who you are taking and the ages of those people. You may think that going with little ones wouldn't be as much fun for you, as an adult. After all, the thrill rides aren't very doable with little ones who are sometimes afraid of the Carousel. But, over the years, I have been to Disneyland with all ages of children and had a blast every time. You have to understand in advance what your experience is going to be like and plan to enjoy the park through your toddler's eyes. Alicia has kept us updated on their trip and I am happy to say that they seem to be letting the fun evolve at the kid's pace. The pace with toddlers will be slower and you may not go on as many attractions, but then again, you may get to enjoy some of the smaller, hidden places that you might not have noticed before. It is a great time to take in the shows that are geared to the little ones, rest when they need rest and eat snacks when they need snacks. (Maybe French Fries?) Watch the joy in their eyes (or sometimes help them get over the fear) as they see the characters! They usually are fascinated from a distance if getting close is more than they can handle. One of my favorite things to do with little ones is to let them dance when the bands play around the park. I've seen this so often and it is always so cute. Here are 3 things to do to help you prepare for a trip with toddlers:
If you would like more Disney tips, check out Maddy and My investigative report Here! (Tongue in cheek.)
Creators of Hot Cocoa Bombs! (copyrighted)
Helen Reynolds: Mother of six children , grandmother to eleven! I love to cook, craft and create things and I especially love doing that with my family, So, when my lawyer daughter, Lindsey, my artist daughter, Madalynn, and I came up with the idea of Hot Cocoa Bombs, this blog was born. Then, one more daughter, with her technical and science skills, plus creativity has joined in to round us out! Read more about us here! Archives
February 2025