This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking them, we will be compensated, but there is no additional cost to you. All opinions expressed are our own. Thank you for your support. Last Spring, I told you about my new centrifugal juicer on this post. I have been using it more and more and loving it! Lately, with all of the canning I've been doing, I've used it to finish off the last bits of fruit to make peach nectar and apple juice. I have to tell you that fresh pressed apple juice is fantastic. The only problem is that the small amount of solids that do make it into the juice, form a strange looking foam on the top of the container. I skimmed some of it off, but it was impossible to get it all. Then, I started straining the juice through a flour sack towel and that helped quite a bit, but there was still a little foam left. The juice tastes so good that we don't mind the foam, but I wanted to give you a heads up! May son and daughter-in-law on the other had use a steam juicer and they had no foam on their apple juice. So, I may have to look into one of those for canning apple juice. The apples I have been canning lately are from said son and daughter-in-law's fuji apple tree. After my first attempt at juicing apples, I asked them about the foam problem. They informed me then that they had no foam AND that they used the pulp from their juicing to make applesauce! MIND BLOWN! Just think of it, using the same apples for 2 products! And, not only that, you could save your cores and peels (I peeled mine to help eliminate the foam), to make Apple Scrap Jelly, like I showed you on this post! I just love this idea of using everything as much as possible to A.) Save Money B.) To feed my family C.) To be prepared for the future D.) To share with others E.) To eliminate waste F.) To feel accomplished! Can you think of more reasons? I JUST LOVE CANNING AND PRESERVING! Here's a Tip: When bottling apple juice, you must water bath process it or else it will ferment and become alcoholic. Check the seal on your jars afterwards to be sure no air is apple to get in. I love the juice fresh squeezed, but when you get a few jars that you won't be drinking right away, be sure to process them for 15 minutes. So, I've seen lots of recipes for making applesauce out of the pulp from steam juicing. But, I wanted to do the same thing with my centrifugally juiced pulp. So, I came up with my own recipe of course and I'm going to share it with you. First, here are a few basic instructions:
All of my jars pinged and they look beautiful! I'm getting more apples soon and I can't wait to make more of this delicious applesauce! It goes so well with ham and other pork cuts. I also know that my grandchildren will love it! Other ways to enjoy apples:
10/12/2023 03:19:17 am
YUM! I know that tastes really good!! Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 133. Pinned.
10/17/2023 03:21:18 am
CONGRATS Helen! Your post is FEATURED at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 134!
This looks, and sounds wonderful. I love the recipe card you included in the post. I'll be featuring this post tomorrow at the Crazy Little Love Birds link party. :)
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Creators of Hot Cocoa Bombs! (copyrighted)
Helen Reynolds: Mother of six children , grandmother to eleven! I love to cook, craft and create things and I especially love doing that with my family, So, when my lawyer daughter, Lindsey, my artist daughter, Madalynn, and I came up with the idea of Hot Cocoa Bombs, this blog was born. Then, one more daughter, with her technical and science skills, plus creativity has joined in to round us out! Read more about us here! Archives
February 2025