Have you ever heard of Baby Led Weaning? Before I had my little chicken nugget I had never heard of it. I always planned on starting her on pureed foods just like I had started, and basically everyone I have ever known who has ever had a baby has done. Well, then at her four month appointment her doctor told me I could start her on solids and I bought some veggies and pureed them and we got started and... well... it was just a lot of work. Until very recently she was really only into eating one meal a day and I didn't have the energy to keep pureeing different things. I have purchased baby food from time to time, but it can be, and IS, so expensive! So, I started researching Baby Led Weaning (BLW) and now that my little miss is six months old we are implementing it and I have to say, it is SO much messier than purees, but so much easier to feed her! Enter these muffins. ABC Baby Led Weaning Muffins I call them. the ABC in these muffins stands for Apple Banana Carrot. Those are the main ingredients in these BLW muffins. They make them light and sweet. The texture is perfect for a little one just learning to eat, who may not have teeth yet! We have FINALLY been getting rain here, which is wonderful! The only drawback is that the storms keep happening right during this little lady's swimming lessons. I got her all dressed to go when her swim instructor (who happens to be someone I had previously baby sat when he was in diapers) called to say that lessons were once again cancelled because of the rain. Well, we didn't feel like changing yet, so we made these ABC BLW muffins in our swimsuit. You are not required to do the same, but, it could be fun if you tried! As I am doing more research and coming up with more BLW recipes and ideas I'll be posting them where our subscribers can access them! So if you aren't subscribed yet make sure you sign up! We promise, no spam, just fun extra perks!
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Creators of Hot Cocoa Bombs! (copyrighted)
Helen Reynolds: Mother of six children , grandmother to eleven! I love to cook, craft and create things and I especially love doing that with my family, So, when my lawyer daughter, Lindsey, my artist daughter, Madalynn, and I came up with the idea of Hot Cocoa Bombs, this blog was born. Then, one more daughter, with her technical and science skills, plus creativity has joined in to round us out! Read more about us here! Archives
February 2025