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If you subscribe to this blog or follow us on social media, you know that Lindsey had her baby! We are so happy to welcome Baby Emily to our family. I haven't had a lot of chance to enjoy her because I have been down sick for the past few days. I am starting to feel better and I can hardly wait to get over there and cuddle her again.
In the meantime, I realized that I never told you about the baby shower Lindsey's MIL Joanne and I threw for her back in November. The holidays hit, and I saved it for later. Since Emily is here, now seems like the perfect time to talk about the shower.
Since Joanne had to travel from CA, we felt it was easiest to have the shower right at Lindsey's house. It turned out perfectly because we didn't have to pack up and haul the gifts away in a car. We just put them down in the nursery! I sent out the invitations. LIndsey asked people to give her addresses on Facebook so I would know who to send to. A few people didn't give me their addresses in time. Sorry! Here is a tip when designing your own invitations, Make them fit on postcard sized photo paper! The paper is glossy and looks nice and they are easy to print from home! I like to use Google Draw to design things like that.
We used a storybook theme for the baby shower. On each invitation we asked for a storybook instead of a card and those who did that would be put into a drawing for a prize. We also did a thank you drawing for people who brought diapers.
Lindsey's favorite children's book is Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. She is using that as her theme in her nursery with colors and decor. I used a silhouette of one of the monsters and framed a picture for the room. I had seen it done somewhere and it was easy to design on Google Draw.
To decorate the refreshment table and to use in Emily's room later, Joanne did a project that I think is to die for. She found a used copy of Where the Wild Things Are and used it to decoupage the art work onto the letters of Emily's name.
We had a lot of good food, and we played a couple of games at the party. Joanne hit the jackpot at a thrift store she frequents and found a boxful of plastic pacifiers on ribbons. She picked them up for a song. We gave one to each guest as they arrived and told them that if they heard anyone use the word baby they could take away their necklace. (I always lose that game immediately.)
Another game we played was a spin off from Scattergories that we called Scatter Baby! You can download the double sheet below. We used the babies initials on the blank lines and gave everyone 2 minutes to fill in the blanks. Then we would start with whoever had the most filled in and had them read what they thought of. If anyone had a match, then they had to cross it off. Whoever ended up with the most ideas not crossed off won the game. It is a lot of fun if you remind everyone to think out of the box. Let me tell you, you had to think out of the box with Emily's initials. We used E G because her name is Emily Grace. Or you could use the first and last names. Just click on the image to get a prinable version.
The shower went very well and Emily received many beautiful gifts! Fun was had by all. Now that she is here and using the gifts, we are all so appreciative of the love that was shown to her and her mother. We hope you can use some of these ideas at your next baby shower! For more ideas, check out past posts about baby showers here and here.
5/19/2020 08:13:29 am
12/7/2020 09:19:01 am
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Creators of Hot Cocoa Bombs! (copyrighted)
Helen Reynolds: Mother of six children , grandmother to eleven! I love to cook, craft and create things and I especially love doing that with my family, So, when my lawyer daughter, Lindsey, my artist daughter, Madalynn, and I came up with the idea of Hot Cocoa Bombs, this blog was born. Then, one more daughter, with her technical and science skills, plus creativity has joined in to round us out! Read more about us here! Archives
February 2025