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Don't be scandalized by the title of this What to Read Wednesday's book! It's actually one of the funniest books I've ever read. I first read Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging during a summer in between years of high school. My friend Jenna and I would spend hours browsing through the stacks and finding books and movies. Some made us laugh like the VHS called "Belly Dancing Grandmas" (we didn't check it out but the cover looked exactly like what you would think). This was one of those books I picked purely on the cover and title. (Despite the saying, I usually judge books by their covers...sorry). I thought it looked like a fun, quick read, and I was right.
Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging by Lousie Rennison was literally laugh-out-loud funny. What to Read Wednesday: Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging
Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging was first published in 1999 but the emotions still stand up to modern day.
The story follows Georgia Nicolson a teenager in England as she tries to convince an older boy Robbie that he should date her. It's written in the style of a diary which makes it more interesting as you get all of Georgia's thoughts. Angus, by the way, is her cat that they found while on holiday in Scottland. I think this book really resonated with me at first because I was the same age as Georgia in the book and I felt a lot of the same emotions as she did. But that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it still as an adult. It was in college when I was finally able to read the rest of the series (yes it's a whole hilarious series of books). I still found them hilarious and was sad when I finished the series. The first two books in the Georgia Nicolson series were adapted into a movie released in 2008 called "Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging." I'll probably be covering it in an episode of From Cover to Reel in the future, but it was received well by the critics. So will you be checking out this book? Let us know in the comments below.
This post contains affiliate links. I will be compensated for purchases made through those links at no additional cost to you. All views expressed are my own. Thank you for your support!
Do you feel like Mother's Day gift giving is tricky? Try buying for a mother who just turned 96! But I want to give her something and make her day special because I love her so much. She is and has always been the best mother ever. I am a grandmother to 10 grandchildren now and I feel like I am still learning from her. I tell her that is why she is still with us, because I still need her.
One of the places I like to look for gifts is on Etsy! You can find one of a kind special gifts there that your mother won't have already noticed in other places, such as Target or Walmart. There are gifts that really express the sentiments of my heart, as well as address the wants of individuals that mass produced gifts can't always fill. I have given you lists in past years, here and here, and I have had a lot of fun again this year picking out things that I think not only my mother, but other mothers that I know would love to receive. (Including me if anyone wants to know.)
Personal Gifts that can be Personalized!
LittleFlowerSoapCo's products are handmade with natural products and scents and they have a number of sets to choose from!
Show the Love of Family Gifts
These family trees from Framed Retro Gallery are 2 for the price of 1 ! That is two gifts taken care of. Not only that, she gives you lots of tips on how to use them.
I am so drawn to this necklace from Stanley Winked! This one shown also has my birthstone on it, which is a happy happenstance since I became a grandmother on my birthday! The price is so reasonable, too!
Jewelry and Accessories
Mark Fabric has a large variety of messenger bags and 5 star ratings! This bag is so cute, I know you know someone who loves purple who would love it! Diane, you know who you are!
Tiffany Avenue Bridal has the perfect necklace for the collectors of elephants, giraffes and other animals.
Art Work
I would love a sketch of my family, or my husband and I, or my grandchildren, or all of the above from Graphic Wisdom.
My sister-in-law once had a painting done of my husband's grandmother's home that had been in the family for many years. It was a great idea and a real keepsake. Wall Tonic Arts can help you have a keepsake of our own, whether it is an old home or a new forever home.
Not only does Blessed Willow Gallery do watercolor paintings, but they also do ink drawings as well!
These are my Etsy choices for this year! If none of them fit with the tastes of your mom or grandma, Etsy has many more suggestions here! I am sure you can find just the perfect gift if you take a look! But, believe it or not, time is running short. If you find something wonderful that I haven't listed, please let me know in the comments below!
This post contains affiliate links. I will be compensated for purchases made through those links at no additional cost to you. All views expressed are my own. Thank you for your support! Hey guys! Sorry I didn't post last week! We were in Disneyland!! It was our little one's first time at Disneyland, and I hadn't been in... about 20 years so, it was high time for us to go! We really had a blast! If you don't remember, in this family we love Disneyland! Click on the links for our previous posts about how great Disneyland is, and how to get the most out of your trip! Anyway, we are, sadly, back now. BUT! Being back means that I can share this great banana bread recipe with you! I know I have shared a few banana bread recipes with you in the past. Like this great gluten free option here, and this one for lactating mothers. I've also shared with you a pumpkin banana bread recipe, and my mom shared this banana bread in a crock pot! What can I say, banana bread is delicious! I buy a lot of bananas now, but our little one is really the only one who eats them, so I have many opportunities to make banana bread. Well, before we left on our trip I was trying to make sure we didn't have any fruit left to sit around and rot while we were gone for a week. I also did not want to make a huge mess, so I decided to try out banana bread using a cake mix and I have to say, I have no regrets.
We actually took this on our trip and our little one chowed down on it! It was one of the few things she would eat (she is suddenly in that picky stage where she doesn't like to eat any food... yay!) Anyway, I had to share it with you. And, as you can see from my notes, this one can be made gluten free as well! So, now you have so many tasty banana bread options, which one will you pick? This is the post we put up last year on Good Friday. As I read through it, it is still the way I feel about my Savior and Easter, so I am going to re-post it today as a FAVORITE Friday Fave! Have a wonderful Easter everyone! #BecauseOfHim Last Friday for Friday Faves #56, we talked about the top 10 things that we love about Easter. Today is Good Friday, the day that is almost the culmination to Holy Week. Good Friday is the day Christ died on the cross. He atoned for our sins because He loves us. He made repentance possible. But, we know that as difficult and sad as that part of the story is to read, that dark day is not where the story ends. Because, on the third day, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World, overcame death and rose again. And, on Easter Sunday, that is what we celebrate! So, for today's Friday Faves # 57, we asked ourselves, and we ask you: What helps you to remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter? This is a special post to us and we felt that the best Easter message that we can share is the true one, so this is our Easter wish and Easter gift to you. Between the 4 of us, we came up with a few excellent ways to remember the Savior and his glorious Resurrection.
24 Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.
This year I did follow along with #BecauseOfHim as we went through this Holy Week in the Savior's life. I hope that it added to the Spirit of your Easter this year! Here at 3 Winks, we are all looking forward to some wonderful Easter traditions. We hope that you all have a wonderful time with your family and friends this holiday and are able to ponder the impact the Savior has made in your lives! We know that because of Him we have hope and peace. “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” (1 Cor. 15:55). Happy Easter!
Creators of Hot Cocoa Bombs! (copyrighted)
Helen Reynolds: Mother of six children , grandmother to eleven! I love to cook, craft and create things and I especially love doing that with my family, So, when my lawyer daughter, Lindsey, my artist daughter, Madalynn, and I came up with the idea of Hot Cocoa Bombs, this blog was born. Then, one more daughter, with her technical and science skills, plus creativity has joined in to round us out! Read more about us here! Archives
February 2025