This post contains affiliate links. I will be compensated for purchased made through those links at no additional cost to you. All views expressed are my own. Thank you for your support! Have you ever had odds and ends of fruit and fruit products in your fridge and wanted to do something, but didn't quite know what to do?
Have you ever watched one of those cooking shows on TV , like Chopped, and they give the chefs a bunch of odd ingredients and you wonder what you would do with them? My kids will tell you that my answer to these questions is always, "Bake a pie!" Today, I'm going to show you an example of that way of thinking with this Fruit Jumble Pie.
This post contains affiliate links. I will be compensated for purchased made through those links at no additional cost to you. All views expressed are my own. Thank you for your support! I thought I was all done with canning peaches and then my DH walked in with another boxful! I was happy to get them, but they were perfectly ripe, so I had to get canning them quickly! I wasn't going to can any pie filling this year, but I did have enough Clear Jel in my cupboard to do one batch of Peach Pie Filling, so that is what I did. For years I canned pie filling with cornstarch, but now the new instruction is that cornstarch is bad, so is flour and only Clear Jel is appropriate for canning as a thickener. Flour or cornstarch are fine to use when baking fresh or freezing, but not for canning. Here is what the National Center for Home Canning says, "Clear Jel® is a chemically modified corn starch that produces excellent sauce consistency even after fillings are canned and baked. Other available starches break down when used in these pie fillings, causing a runny sauce consistency." ( Personally, I never had my pie filling break down and become runny, but I still ran out and bought Clear Jel because I don't ever want to be responsible for anyone having canning failure when they can. Happily, back when I was using cornstarch, I wasn't inadvertently causing botulism to anyone, so that is good news. I have determined that I will probably start canning the fruit slices for pie filling and then simply thicken it when I am ready to make a pie. That is why I had decided not to can pie filling, but I figured that I ought to use up the Clear Jel that I already had on hand, so Peach Pie Filling it is! The recipe is simple and easy to follow. I always feel like the most difficult part of canning peaches is peeling them, just because it takes a couple of steps:
I like to use quart jars for pie filling, but pints work, you will just need 2 or 3 to fill a 9" pie. I usually use 1 and 1/2 quarts for one pie, so I can quarts and pints when I make pie filling. It depends on the size of pan you will use and how full of fruit you like your pie to be. When the time comes to make your pie simply:
Here is the recipe for the filling! Click on the recipe card for a printable version. Other Posts Like This One That You May Enjoy: This post contains affiliate links. I will be compensated for purchases made through those links at no additional cost to you. All views expressed are my own. Thank you for your support! After babying and protecting and watering and cutting back and fertilizing my strawberry patch over the last 3 years, this year it is starting to produce like crazy! I am in heaven over it! I've made us Strawberry Shortcake and used them in smoothies, but now I am wanting to be able to preserve some. I've frozen berries in the past, I do not like the result of simply canning them in simple syrup, and I have plenty of Strawberry Jam in my cupboard. Then, I saw an idea for making Strawberry Pie Filling and I realized that would be the perfect way to preserve some of these beauties! Today I had enough strawberries to measure 8 cups of sliced strawberries. I wondered if that would be enough to give me at least 2 quarts of pie filling. I remembered that I did have some frozen strawberries still in the freezer. My mind started working and I came up with a process that has worked very successfully, tastes so good and is beautiful in the jar! I'm going to share that process with you today.
This post contains affiliate links. I will be compensated for purchases made through those links at no additional cost to you. All views expressed are my own. Thank you for your support! YUP! See all of those strawberries in that graphic above? They are some of the many that have been coming out of my strawberry patch! I am so happy with my strawberries this year. Here is why. Last year I put a few strawberry plants in my garden box. They began to produce a few strawberries, and just when they were ripe enough to pick, Maddy's puppy, Boots, ate them! At first I thought the birds had gotten them, so I covered them with netting to protect them. But, when I found the netting strewn all over my yard, I realized it was the dog. It was pretty funny actually, because he had nipped them off the stems very carefully exactly when they were ripe and very carefully! (He is a very smart dog who loves strawberries.) Needless to say, I didn't end up harvesting many strawberries last year. I decided that I needed a bigger strawberry patch. That way between the birds, the dogs and the bugs, I might still end up with some strawberries for the family to enjoy. Since strawberries reproduce very well on their own, I decided to try an experiment in my garden of wintering my existing plants over and allowing them to shoot out baby plants. I trimmed them back, taking off all of the dead or damaged foliage. I babied the babies. In the winter when we had some freezing weather, I covered them with sheets to keep the frost off of them. I fertilized them. I was determined to have a successful patch, something that has never before happened for me. Hallelujah! My efforts paid off and my patch of strawberries has more than doubled! Then, in the early Spring, the strawberry blossoms began to appear! These aren't just little bitty strawberries either! There have been some really big ones! Here are a couple of my first ones: Since this is Strawberry Month, and because I am using my strawberries almost daily, I thought I would share some delicious strawberry recipe ideas with you today. Here is a roundup!
Do you have a favorite suggestion that you can share? Please drop it in the comments! |
Creators of Hot Cocoa Bombs! (copyrighted)
Helen Reynolds: Mother of six children , grandmother to eleven! I love to cook, craft and create things and I especially love doing that with my family, So, when my lawyer daughter, Lindsey, my artist daughter, Madalynn, and I came up with the idea of Hot Cocoa Bombs, this blog was born. Then, one more daughter, with her technical and science skills, plus creativity has joined in to round us out! Read more about us here! Archives
February 2025